Thursday 4 April 2013

baby jerry

nyenyenyenyenye . "tell em i was happy , in my heart is broken" . 
impossible by shontelle . 
now listening .
bismillah .
nothing fer today .
hari hari yang aku lalui , sama .
tetap sama . kaku . 
hati ? entah mana .
aku gembira walau tanpa siapa siapa bergelar istimewa :)
sunyi ? mungkin . tapi aku tetap aku .
rezeki murah pada umur menjejak angka 20 .
alhamdulillah :')
terima kasih . Babah , Mama . untuk segalanya !
terima kasih ya Allah . 
mungkin tak seberapa tapi cukup ada daripada takde langsung .
i can't wait fer baby thoo born ! like seriously .
baby jerry . HAHAHAHAA
is it cute aite ? i know i know *angguk angguk*
macam apa je ada nama tapi still . jerry is the last choice .
my baby . my precious . my boyfie . my supercute owange .
hemo hemo *sengih*
haih still . makin nak final , makin banyak quizes , tests and andd presentations .
hmmmm . 
i wish i can go thoo bp with aiman but i can't :'( next time kayyy baby boo .
mimi ? i wish she happy now :') like you lost him but then you gain someone better . lucky Mimi :*
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *some text are missing*
dun have any words thoo typinggg ;)
so pen off ! 

1 comment:

gojes cakap cakap