Thursday 28 February 2013


Bismillah .

Ya Allah . Andai ini takdir aku , aku terima apa adanya tapi apakan daya .
Aku manusia hina yang tersedar dan kembali menadah tangan .
Aku bersyukur kerana masih di beri peluang untuk kembali setiap kali aku terleka .
Ya Allah . Tuhan lagi Maha Penyayang lagi Maha Mengasihani .
Berikan lah ketenangan hati dan sentiasa lah melindungi Mohammad Aizat bin Muhammad Sahlan .
Sembuhkan lah penyakit yang Kau berikan kepadanya .
Segala apa yang terjadi , semuanya atas ketentuan-Mu Ya Allah .

Ejat Sahlan ,
A guy . A man . After the worst .
A sweet adoreable kitty cat .
Today . Since the day I've know what those words mean .
I love you Ejat . I really do .
tears rolls down on my cheeck when Amal sed you've forgetten bit by bit what you're facing .
I'm afraid baby .
I'm too afraid of loosing and be forgetten by YOU :(
Being not you doesn't make my feelings fade .
still . stand still . even stronger each day .
But I don't know YOU .
I pray . so hard Baby . everyday . that YOU will not forget about me . us . 
What we had on our first date .
That was so amazing Baby .
I re-read all our conversation . All Baby . All ! :(
cry . again . and again .
Now , I understand what you goin' through each day . why you keep busying yourself to keep thinking .
I want you Baby .
YOU sick and YOU afraid of hurting me by that .
I'm willing to wait . cus I know I am worth the wait someday .
I will always pray and to be here even far to love YOU .
To make me smile , I always rewind back what we had on our first met and first date .
I don't know when will you heal . We don't even know . Only Allah knows .
Like Amal sed , be patient . Do pray . And he will convey me with good news bout YOU :')
Everyday Baby . Every single day , they will update me bout your condition . 
Even worst each day :(
I'm hoping that my pictures are still there to make you remember .
Please Ya Allah :(
I've promised . I had promised YOU . And I will make my words come true .
If we're not meant to be , I still pray fer your happiness and let go all of your past .
But I know I can't cus I love YOU cus of Allah and I do pray Allah willing to listen to my pray even though I am a worst little creature .
I'm sorry Baby . giving you so much pressure and make you depressed .
I don't know yet that time B . really .
Now I know and I choose to stay .
I will not know what future comes , but at least I've try .
Usaha , Doa , Tawakal :')
I will fight fer you Baby . Like you uesd to whisper to my little ears that YOU will fight fer me .
Until the end ! InshaAllah .

i wish to comfort and make you feel better .

found Ejat picture cus found Ard FB . the black kitty cat 

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